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Underground Kariz City Kish Beaches Harireh Ancient City Marjan Beach Park (Coral beach) Dolphins Park Kish Aquarium Greek Ship Horror Castle Ocean Water Park Geno Hot Springs

Underground Kariz City

Cultural tourism complex of underground city of Kish (Kariz), is one of the island’s attractions and lots of tourists come to visit it each year. Cultural tourism underground city of Kish, was built at the junction of three ancient aqueducts (kariz). The three aqueducts are over 2000 years old, and over 15 km long, which are now turned into an astonishing underground city that is more than ten thousand square meters. This cultural tourism complex of Kish hosts over one hundred thousand domestic and foreign tourists each year.

Kish Beaches

In the sand beach of Kish, the ground is coral and shines like silver under the Sun. The blue, transparent sea makes the bottom of the sea clearly visible. Coral is what creates this unique beauty. The corals around the island purify the water and make it see-through. Tranquil coasts along with the beautiful corals getting together provide a shelter for pretty colorful fish. Shining beach, blue sky, sea waves, and green coconut trees create spectacular scenery that no master artist can create. The other side of the island is also popular for its sunsets and evenings. Fishing fans can catch fish on southern and western coasts. The color of the coasts of the island is coral shining white, a color that becomes more beautiful when mixed with the sunlight.

Harireh Ancient City

Harireh is an ancient 8th century city located in what is now Kish, Iran. Its area is about 3 square km. This splendid archaeological site comprises the remains of a large house with private Qanat (underground water channel), a public Hammam (bath) and a congregational mosque. It was originally positioned next to a busy commercial port; across the road, you can still see access stairs cut into the rocky cliff, as well as rock-cut wells and channels that were part of workshops producing date nectar, once it was one of the island's major exports. Artefacts found during excavation of this settlement indicate that it was established around 1000 AD, occupied 120 hectares and was abandoned around 1600.

Marjan Beach Park (Coral beach)

Marjan beach (Coral Beach) Park which is located near Marjan bazar is one of the most spectacular centers of Kish and connects Marjan bazar to the beach. The Coral Beach of Kish is so blue and clean that any moving creature can be seen under the water for the existence of corals in various shapes and colorful oyster shells and different snails and sea stones frequently brought to the coast by the water of the gulf.

Dolphins Park

Dolphins Park or “Dolphinarium” is one of the most beautiful recreational parks of Middle East with an area more than one million square meters, built by the investments of the private section. Visiting this beautiful complex with thousands of date trees and several other plant species, and the wonderful show of Dolphins, Seals and Porpoises is fascinating for any tourist.

Kish Aquarium

One of the Kish tourist attractions is Kish Aquarium. It is interesting to know that Kish Aquarium is a separate aquarium with a capacity of 20,000 liters specifically made for fresh water fish and there are nearly seventy kinds of decorative fish in it which are very rare in shape, natural color, scales and appearance. There are some rare complexes in this area and many salty water and fresh water fish are in some parts of it and different reptiles such as snakes and alligators are in the other part of it. Rare birds and mammals can also be seen in another part of the aquarium.

Greek Ship

The Greek Ship is the nickname of a cargo steamship, Khoula F, that has been beached on the southwest coast of Kish Island since 1966. She was built by William Hamilton and Company in Port Glasgow, Scotland, who launched her on 9 March 1943 as Empire Trumpet and completed her in April 1943. From 1946 to 1966 she passed through a series of British and Iranian owners and various changes of name. Her final owners were Greek, and it is from them that she derives her nickname. On 25 July 1966, Koula F ran aground on the south-western coast of Kish in the Persian Gulf. The Dutch salvage tug Orinoco tried to refloat her but was unsuccessful. Her insurers declared Khoula F a total loss and she has remained beached ever since. Her condition has deteriorated and her stem has started to break up.

Horror Castle

Horror, screams and excitement in the first horror castle of Iran in the ever spring island of Kish. It is a couple hundred-meter cottage in Kish Island, an exciting and attractive place for those who like to experience excitement and horror in their entire body.

Ocean Water Park

Ocean Water Park is a 5.6 hectare outdoor water park located in Kish Island, Iran. It is the first Iranian themed water park and outdoor water park, themed based on story of the Mystery of the Sun Castle. It opened in January 2017 and has 13 rides, four swimming pools and one spa in addition to two restaurants, four beverage stops and coffee shops and two shopping areas. The Water Park’s theming has been implemented under the supervision of Ahmad Jafari, veteran architect and Disney NFFC legend. The water park has several localized features, as well as unique rides in the region. Ocean Water park also has one of the tallest rides in the region, Pichaloop, with a 24 meters drop.

Geno Hot Springs

Hot water springs are capable of treating skin diseases, nerves, psoriasis, digestion, anaemia, pulmonary, cardiovascular, etc. The use of mineral water springs has an ancient history, and the history of their use can be considered synonymous with the history of human civilization. 231 hot springs have been created in Iran due to volcanic activity. In the province of Hormozgan, the Geno spa is hot sulphur chloride sulphate chloride water and has a lot of therapeutic properties due to its significant amount of chloride. Geno Hot Water Spring and Geno Touris Complex are close to Bandar-e Abbas in Hormozgan and is considered one of the tourist and therapeutic attractions of the region.